Why is locally ground tea gaining popularity?

3 min readDec 15, 2020


If you are someone who loves Indian tea, you cannot simply overlook the locally ground flavours available in your city. Particularly, if you have consumed certain Indian flavours in the past, you may often wonder where to find Indian chai near me. The popular tea stores in Boston sell locally ground tea in different aromas that appeal to tea lovers.

Imagine a strong concentrate that comes with ginger, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and fennel. Do you know why the reputed tea shops selling Indian flavours grind the spices? Well, you can obtain a strong flavour with ground masalas and spices. In case you are thinking where you can find masala chai near me, simply visit one of these tea stores selling Indian flavours. Alternatively, you can also shop these flavours online from their official website. It would be an amazing experience for you to try out new flavours. Besides, when you visit the stores selling ground tea flavours, you will get to know the best process of preparing the tea.

Which spices are ground to prepare strong flavours?

The aroma you enjoy in Indian tea blends depends on the concentration of each spice. Several combinations are available in the reputed stores selling these flavours. Among the spices that are ground to generate the flavours, here the most popular ones:

· Black pepper

· Star anise

· Dry ginger

· Cloves

· Fennel

· Cardamom

· Cinnamon

Many tea lovers in Boston or other cities search Indian chai near me. If you are one of those tea lovers, you can enjoy the beautiful aroma of Indian tea blends in the popular tea shops. Apart from the spices mentioned above, these blends of tea also come with nuts, allergens and several other ingredients.

Tea has got more to offer than just togetherness: Health benefits of tea

Well, tea lovers are aware of the essence of togetherness that revolves around small crowds hanging over tea. However, tea has something more to offer, simply more than this good feeling. Consuming tea has several proven health benefits. However, you need to take care of the kind of blend you are consuming, amount of sugar you prefer and certain other aspects.

· Purported benefits of tea: Both herbal and caffeinated tea contains polyphenols, a natural substance that serves as antioxidants. Consumed in a calculated way, they can mitigate the risk of certain diseases that are chronic in nature.

· Managing your weight: Consuming tea can also help you in losing weight. However, you need to be selective with the blend, as decaffeinated teas may not come up with the same results. Herbal tea also includes several spicesthat originate from India. This explains why Indian tea blends are gaining popularity over the world.

· Keep your heart healthy: Research reveals that consuming tea minimizes the threats of heart diseases. Particularly, people consuming black and green tea regularly can get this kind of benefit. Besides, tea has some impact on lowering the level of blood pressure and cholesterol.

The next time you look out for locally ground tea, make the purchase online from one of the popular tea stores around. however, you always have the option of walking down to the store and trying out new flavours yourself.




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